Saturday, June 11, 2011

June Update

June Update

Addison has 7 teeth now. Loves to stack things up and carry them around. She’s our little organizer. Can climb up on to the couch and loves to get up on her tippy toes to reach as much as she can. Her hair easily goes into two piggie tails and even goes up into one high pony tail. She can snap and clap and loves to dance whenver she hears music. She just started to imitate Mommy and Daddy when they do things. She loves to snuggle and will give you a big hug and kiss if you ask Please Hug or Kiss. She loves to eat and will eat anything other than broccoli and potato salad. She loves ice cream just like her Mommy. Loves to play outside, although she didn’t like the pool too much…she doesn’t like to be splashed in the face.

Her words include (but aren’t limited to)

Da, Ma, No, Yes, Ball, Peek (peekaboo), Uhoh, Baby, Beep Beep, Please, Duck, Quack, Moo, Baa, Piggie, WeeWeeWee, Woof, Dog, OooEeEe (Monkey Noise), Bye, Hi, Up, Night night, Book, Shoes

We are looking forward to a summer full of fun memories made together as a family of three.


K&A said...

Thanks for the update! Where are e pictures??? Looking forWard to seeing you all on saturday!

mom n dad said...

love to hear how addy doing and what she up too.. treasury the moments..they grow up fast..

love ya mom n dad