Monday, September 27, 2010

Friday, September 3, 2010

Addison's Fifth Month

Addison had an action packed month. Doctors visit, learning all sorts of new things, many visits from friends and family, and was dedicated at church. At the beginning of August she had here first solid food, rice cereal, and did not like it at all or know what to do with it once it was in her mouth. Since then she has gotten much better and enjoys her oatmeal and rice cereal. Aunt Steph and Uncle Rob came to visit from South Carolina, what a fun visit and chance for them to meet Addy for the very first time. Addy was so impressed that while they were here she sat up on her own for the very first time! She continues to get stronger each and every day, sitting up for longer and longer intervals with each passing day. Addy is much more vocal and we are able to get many giggles and smiles out of her. She is very ticklish when Daddy tickles her feet with his goatee. Addy is now rolling over front to back as well as back to front, reaching and playing with her toys. She has also begun a new habit of laying on her side while she plays. Grandma Dodd spent a week with us, and I'm not sure who had more fun Grandma or Addy. It was great to have her here to help out especially as we began the process of making baby food. On August 22 all of Kate's family came over as well as Grandpa and Grandma Dodd to be a part of Addy's dedication. This was a time to thank God for his many blessings in our lives and to acknowledge our need for His help, strength and guidance to raise Addy in a home that loves God and points others to Christ. We spent the afternoon at the park, playing games and eating lots of food. It was so good to be together. The next day Kate, Addy and most of her family went to Lake Michigan and had a great morning relaxing in the sun. Busy month and this next month is already looking like it will be just as busy and full of adventure and many more firsts.