Tuesday, July 7, 2009

akDodd Summer Update

Kate is transitioning well into her new job at Spectrum Health. She enjoys so much working with the patients and feels that it is adding to her education immensly. She is also busy with classes and clinicals, so her schedule is very full. Andrew is playing softball with the guys from church and basketball in a summer league with the men at the mission. This past week he was pretty roughed up with a black eye, skinned leg, and hurt knee. Although he is very competitive and wants to always win, both of these teams have been great ministry opportunities.

In June, we had a very sad day. Our first pet, Jack the Beta Fish breathed his last and went belly up. We had a funeral and gave him a proper burial at "sea" (all drains lead to the ocean right?).

This past Thursday, July 2nd, we celebrated our third anniversary. We can hardly believe it has already been three years!! Grandpa, Dad, and Mom came do
wn for the day as Grandpa was flying out the next morning. It was Grandpa's 64th, Dad and Mom's 32nd, and our 3rd anniversary so we celebrated at a Japanese Restaurant. They cooked the food right in front of us, kind of like Mongolian BBQ but on a more personal scale... each table had its own grill. It was such a unique experience and the food was REALLY good too. Afterwards, we went for a walk at the park nearby our home. We came home to Kate's amazing anniversary berry pie, and then taught Grandpa and Mom how to play Wii Fit. It was such a blessing to be able to spend all of our anniversarys together.

Summer Update from Andrew's Family

Once again, this summer Andrew's mom is helping out two days a week in the kitchen at Lake Ann. Her schedule is much more manageable this year and she enjoys staying connected with the ministry and students at Lake Ann. Dad had his year update from his prostate cancer surgery, for the most part things looked well. Please pray for the blood test that the doctor ordered that it will come back clear.

Grandpa Galloway flew out at the end of June to spend a week with Mom and Dad up north. He was able to get a flight into Grand Rapids so Andrew was able to pick him up and spend an evening with him before driving him up to Mom and Dad's. It was a soggy, rainy visit but they made the most of the opportunity and time that they had to spend with Grandpa.

Summer Update from Kate's Family

Since our last blog post we have made a couple trips over to Detroit for exciting things happening in Kate's Family. Kyle graduated from high school at the end of May. We were back the following weekend to help with his graduation party. It was so fun to celebrate both days with him. We are very proud of him and excited for his future plans.

Mid-June, Kevin kidnapped Kyle and brought him to our house for his graduation gift from Kevin, Angela, and us. They spent the night and we all went to Michigan Adventure in the morning. We had a great time together...if you haven't ridden the Tunnel O' Fear, it is worth checking out. :) Lots of fun riding rollercoasters and splashing in the waterpark.

Mom and Dad are currently on vacation in Virginia. Hope that they are having a great time relaxing and soaking in the sun rays. Meanwhile, Kyle is in Jamaica with 20ish other students from Cornerstone Baptist Church serving the local kids and church there. Please keep him in your prayers this week!