Saturday, August 28, 2010

We've got a roller

This morning Addy was rolling from back to tummy then tummy to back playing with her toys. It was so amazing to watch. We had seen her do both before but never at the same time. Addy is learning and growing so much.
For longer and longer increments of time she is also sitting up by herself.
It is amazing to watch her grow!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Doctor Visit

Addy had her four month doctor visit this past week. She is doing great and is a very healthy little baby. She is 13 lbs 13 oz (more than doubled her weight in just four months!) and in the 50th%. She is 25" tall and in the 75% for height. Her head was in the 25th% for head circumference. So Addy is tall and skinny with a little head :) She got her second round of shots and was given the OK to start rice cereal. We tried the rice cereal tonight (8/6) and she HATED it! She cried and closed her mouth and shook her head. Might take a little getting used to but she'll catch on quickly,we hope!