Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Addison's Sixth Month

Since we are already halfway through the 7th month, we thought we would take a few spare minutes to write about Addison's sixth month. The last day in August, we went to the John Ball Zoo in Grand Rapids for Addy's first zoo trip. It was also our 7th consecutive August zoo trip. Addy's favorite was the bird cage that you walked into with lots of parakeets, the birds were chirping and flying. It was a hot day, but we had so much fun. That next weekend, Kate's parents came in for a visit. We went with them to the Fredrick Meijer Gardens. It was our first visit, and we had so much fun. We all enjoyed walking around the park, seeing the flowers, and looking at all the sculptures. Addy was just so happy to be outside. She had her visit tea party in the Children's Garden with Mommy and Daddy.

This month, Addison began having a new babysitter while Mommy and Daddy work. Our good friend from church, Erika and her almost 2 year old Rolland are fun practicing having two siblings since Erika is expecting her second in March. Addison has also greatly expanded her food options this past month. She loves applesauce, bananas, sweet potatoes, carrots, oatmeal, peas, and butternut squash. She also has become an awesome roller. She rolls front to back and back to front and across the room if she really wants something. She loves to sit up and is very strong and sturdy while sitting up.

Addy had her first cold this month, that she got from Mommy :(. Stuffy nose and a cough, she hates getting her nose sucked out by what Daddy calls the snot rocket. We first thought that Addy was getting teeth after the cold because she was drooling a lot and waking up at night when she used to sleep through the night and chewing on everything, so we stocked up on oragel to numb her gums. Now, two weeks after her 6th month birthday we found out that it was not teeth at all but that she was fighting an ear infection (but we will tell you all about that in the next month update). Addy moved up to a big bathtub as well this month. It is a giant duck! She loves playing in the water!

Grandpa Dodd came to visit us for a day this month. BBC had an event for Alumni at the 5/3 Ballpark, so we all went to the dinner. The next day we to Detroit to celebrate Grandma Schneider's 50th Birthday. Andrew, Kevin, Kyle, and Grandpa S went to the Eagle vs Lions game while Kate, Addy, Grandma S, and Great Grandma M spent the day playing and making Addy's first finger painting project. Addy loved finger painting! It was a great, quick visit and so fun to celebrate Grandma S and Kyle's birthday

The next weekend the Steve Dodd family had a family reunion in Cresaptown, MD where Dad had his last youth group, actually the church was celebrating it's 75th year and Grandpa Dodd was one of the speakers. It was the first time in almost three years that the whole family was together. Last time there were no grandchildren and one on the way this time there three grandchildren and one on the way. Yes, Steph and Rob dropped the surprise that Steph is expecting in May. The surprises kept coming when Phil, Jenn, Natalie and Reece arrived with Great Grandpa Galloway in the back seat! Addy got to meet here great grandpa. Another surprise was the 60th birthday party we threw for Grandpa a month early. What a good time to recount and remember God's blessings in Grand Dad's life and the many memories made through the years. It was also good to see and catch up with many old friends and faces from Calvary Baptist Church and School. It was especially nice to get to visit with Steve and Misty along with their two children Hannah and Riley. Daddy went to high school with Steve and Misty and had much to catch up on and old memories to share.

Actually, I had my half year birthday while we were on this trip so I'll stop writing for now. It was a very busy month especially my weekends. I'll check back in with all of you just as soon as I turn seven months old.