Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Andrew and I have had a very busy few weeks. Andrew's birthday was on November 22. We had a fun day celebrating with double chocolate peanut butter pie and enchiladas (andrew's favorite meal). I got him a new DVD by Louie Giglio (Indescribable), a picture frame, some of his favorite Spicy Garlic Hot Sauce from Buffalo Wild Wings, and a new Nalgene waterbottle. Kate also got me the first episode of 24 in a year in a half. It was called 24:Redemption and I got to share my birthday present with the whole world!!(Andrew's comment!) I think it just might be coincidence that FOX decided to show the 2 hour show the day after his birthday(KATE). Either way it was a fun birthday and we both can't believe that it has already been another year since his birthday.

School is winding down for me. Only two days of classes (Monday and Tuesday this week) and then two finals next week. I cannot wait to be done! One more year til mark your calendar for 12/12/09!

Andrew and I spent Thanksgiving at my parents house in Clinton Township. We traveled over to the east side of the state on Tuesday after Andrew got off from work. Dad, with the help of Kyle, made his world-famous Tuesday Special Dinner :). Mom gave both Andrew and I much needed haircuts, she is the best hairdresser!

Andrew, Mom, and I spent Wednesday at Kevin and Angela's home. Kevin had an appointment in the morning so we came over to babysit Elizabeth. We had SO much fun with her. We sang her the Three Bears (Lake Ann style), read her stories, played with her toys, and just had a great time interacting with our little niece that we don't see very often. I wish that we lived closer so we could spend more time with her. She is four months old now and is so cute and always smiling. When Kevin got home, we had Mom's homemade chicken noodle soup for lunch and Kevin helped burn us a few more copies of our DVD about our Africa trip. After lunch, Andrew and I headed to Mount Clemens General (it has a different name now, but it will always be MCGH to me!) and I visited my nurse friends up on pediatrics. I miss those girls so much! It was so great to catch up with them and hear how everyone is doing. Later that day, we all headed to church for the Thanksgiving Eve service. I love going back to Cornerstone and seeing all of my friends/extended family there and fellowshipping with these people that are so important to me.

Thanksgiving was a busy day! It flew by! Andrew and I slept in a little and by the time we were ready for the day family had already started to arrive. Before breakfast began, everyone, except Mom who was going to pick up Grandma M, walked over to the speedway to get hot chocolate and a newspaper. It was super cold, but a fun little adventure! Kevin and Angela made a brunch for everyone; it was so yummy! (I want that recipe from you Kevin for the sausage casserole thing!) We spent the day watching the parade, getting ready for the feast, watching football, playing settlers of catan, and just enjoying time together. Mom and Dad made a delicious Thanksgiving feast that stuffed everyone full. I do love Turkey! At the end of the day, we celebrated Andrew's birthday with everyone. He was suprised and had no idea that there was going to be a birthday cheesecake celebration for him. After Grandma M, Kevin, Angela, and Elizabeth left, the remaining family members gathered around the kitchen table for a game of Monopoly. Kyle was the champion (he also won the game of settlers that we played earlier in the day!) but we all had a great time! I love getting to spend time with all of my family together.

Kyle, Andrew, and I all got up and were out the door at 5:15 on Friday morning to get some Christmas deals. We got some fun suprises (but we can't tell you what they are or SOMEBODY won't be suprised) and we had a great time just hanging out with Kyle. We headed out of town around noon and met Andrew's Mom and Dad, who had been down in Ohio for Thanksgiving, for lunch. We were so glad to spend an hour with them and we are looking forward to seeing them again in a few weeks for Christmas!

Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and remember to be thankful more than just that one Thursday a year. Andrew and I are so thankful for the many many many blessings that God has provided and graciously given to us. We are also so thankful to have such wonderful family and friends; you are so important to us!