Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Addison's Ten Month Update (Jan 25)

Addison has grown much in the past month. She is quite the crawler and loves to explore everywhere and everything in our home. She climbs into cupboards underneath coffee tables and even crawls behind the couch. The day she crawled behind the couch, she came out the other side and was covered in dust! Silly girl! She is such a happy baby, always laughing and smiling and singing to herself. Always talking too, can't wait til we understand what she is saying! She is really good at standing up and often lets go and stands on her own for a couple seconds before sitting back down again. She doesn't like walking holding our hands too much anymore though, she would rather be crawling. So we are working on this!

Addy celebrated her first new years since the last update, and she had lots of guests for that night. Papa and Grandma S, Uncle Kevin, Aunt Angela, Lizzie and Gideon all came for the party. We had lots of fun.

We are working on eating better with our foods. Addy is not always the best eater of baby food. But she loves eating big people food and loves to try new things that we are eating. Hopefully soon she will be a better eater. Her favorite finger food to eat is cheese! She loves getting little chunks of cheese to eat. One last fun thing that Addison loves to do this month is tickle mommy's tummy. She will lift up Mommy's shirt and blow rasberrys on her tummy just like we do to her tummy. She thinks it is SO funny! We are loving each moment of raising our little girl!