Thursday, November 25, 2010

Addison's Eighth Month

Addison got all dressed up for Halloween on Saturday night October 30th when all the kids in Hudsonville were set to go trick-or-treating, but no one came to our house. The next night she got dressed up again, this time as a polar bear and went to our church activity trunk-or-treat. She didn't get any candy but that was okay because we had plenty at home from the night before and no one showing up. Over 40 car were decorated and passing out candy to kids that came to this event. What a good time for fellowship and outreach to our community.

Firsts this past month: belly crawling (as of now can get her butt up and knees under her but finds rolling much more efficient), pulled herself up to a standing position, went from laying on her back to sitting up without help. Her first and second teeth popped out of her gums on November 5th, now that her teeth are through she is much happier. She received her first flu shot when she went to the doctors this month and has learned how to clap (Daddy taught her this one!) and wave bye bye and nod her head yes and no. She loves music and dances and sings and nods her head to the rhythm. She loves to talk and climb into people's laps. Addy also has tried many new foods including: meats (turkey and chicken), cherries, cheese, yogurt, plums, prunes, whole peas, mashed potatoes, teething biscuits, and she will eat pretty much anything we let her try (except for zucchini which she hates!).

We also celebrated Andrew's 31st birthday this month. He had already received his birthday gift from Addy and Kate, a trip to see the Eagles beat the Lions, back in September but we had a fun couple days of celebrating. We went out to dinner at Red Robins, Addy loved the balloons that the waitress gave her. Then on his actual birthday we made one of Andrew's favorite meals and peanut butter pie. Such a fun day celebrating!!

Addy made 2 trips this month. The first was to Detroit to visit Kate's family. Kate's cousin Jen was in town from Florida so the Schneider's had a big family party. Addy was able to meet all of Kate's aunts, uncles, and cousins from that side of her family. We had a great time catching up with everyone, eating dinner together, and playing games. Addy also traveled to Lake Ann to celebrate her first Thanksgiving at Grandma and Grandpa Dodd's house. It was wonderful to spend a few days at their house and have a big Thanksgiving dinner. Addy loved trying all of the different Thanksgiving foods that we gave her. Thanksgiving is a great time to remember the many many blessings God has given us this past year.

Addy will be 9 months old on December 25. What a joy it has been to watch her grow, explore, and do new things each and every day! Can't wait to see what this next month brings!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Addison's Seven Month

Addison is already 7 months old, can't believe how fast this first year of her life is going! The first few days of this month were already written about in the last blog update, our trip to Maryland with Andrew's family. She was such a great little traveler and had a good time meeting her cousins Natalie and Reece for the first time. When we got back from the trip Grandma Dodd came and stayed with us for a week. One of the evenings we went to the Post Family Farm nearby our home and looked at all the pumpkins and farm animals and got donuts and hot caramel cider. Addy was so amazed at all the bumpy orange pumpkins. We also went apple picking this month. It was Addy and Grandma's first time going. We picked so many yummy apples and made apple pie guts and apple sauce that will last us all year long. Addy has been eating all sorts of new foods this month. She loves apples and peaches and bananas, green beans, peas, squash, carrots, prunes. She also likes eating Cheerios. Addy began using a sippy cup and drinking water this month. She doesn't quite get the sucking part of the cup yet and usually has water all the way down the front of her shirt. She has also been teething all month long but no teeth yet.

Also Addy had her 6 month check up. She got a couple shots and also we found out that she had an ear infection! We had no idea! She was waking up a few times in the night, but we thought that it was due to the teething. Poor little girl! She got amoxicillin and is feeling much better.

Addy loves to sing with music and "dance" with mommy and daddy. She chews on everything that she touches. She also is a rolling machine and will roll across the room. No crawling yet though, but it shouldn't be long. Addy is talking a lot more this month. Her first word was mama, and followed shortly after by dada. She also is saying baba and many other sounds too. Addy loves wiggling her little feet and when she is happy about something she will have a giant grin on her face and her little feet will be wiggling like crazy. We call them her Happy Feet.

Grandpa and Grandma Schneider came for a visit one weekend this month and they babysat Addy so mommy and daddy could go on a date. WE love when any of our grandparents come to play!

The last weekend of this month, Dad had a work trip at Timber Wolf Lake Camp so Addy and Mommy came with him! We had so much fun relaxing at the camp, taking walks around the camp, playing in the leaves, sitting by the campfire, and just having some mommy and addy time. Addy thought the bunkbeds that we slept on were amazing. Every time mommy fed her she would look up at the bed above her and start laughing so hard. What a silly, fun memory! The camp was pretty close to Grandpa and Grandma Dodd's house so we spent the rest of the weekend playing at their house and celebrating Grandpa's 60th birthday. Addy is growing so big! Our little family is so blessed! We are so thankful for the little girl that God has given us!