Sunday, July 8, 2012

Mackenzie's Two Month Update

Mackenzie turned two months old on July 4th and celebrated the day with her first fireworks show! She wasn't too interested though and slept through the whole thing.  Mackenzie has had a busy month with some new firsts. She learned how to smile at 5 weeks old. She is turning into a very smiley girl who will grin for mommy and daddy and sister addy. 

Mackenzie went on her first big trip to Detroit for a few days to visit Grandpa and Grandma Schneider.  She did really good in the car for the three hour ride.  She got to see her GG, cousins Lizzie and Gideon, Uncle Kevin, Aunt Angela, and got to meet Uncle Kyle.  She also went to her first Tigers game.  We took Andrew to the game to celebrate Father's Day.  Addison really enjoyed it, and Kenzie didn't seem to mind going too much.  It was a hot sunny day though so we spent a lot of the game trying to keep her from getting sunburned!  She also got to meet my friends Cassie and Jessica and Cassie's kids Zeke and Zoe.  It was fun to catch up with them and to have all of our kids play together. 

Mackenzie is becoming a much better eater and sleeper.  She is now sleeping pretty much through the night.  She feeds for the last time and lays down around 10 or 11 and sleeps til 4, 5, or 6.  This is MUCH better than the many middle of the night feedings that she was having that first month. I am a much happier mama now that I am getting some sleep!! She is becoming less "refluxy" and doesn't spit up as bad after every feed like she was last month.  We also gave her a pacifier for the first time this month and WOW she loves it! Addison was not much of a pacifier baby but Kenzie loves the thing, which is helpful when it is not quite time to eat yet.  Mackenzie is growing much bigger and is now wearing her cloth diapers.  She doesn't seem to mind the switch at all and we are glad to have the money savings of not having to buy disposable diapers. 

Mackenzie helped Mommy, Addy, and Kylee pick strawberries on a hot June morning.  We got 14 pounds of strawberries that we were able to make into jam!! Yummy! We have spent lots of time outside playing this month, enjoying the summer weather.  Addison still loves being a big sister and is so proud to show her off to people. She loves to hold Kenzie and "shake her hand".

Mackenzie went on a second big trip this month out east to NY and PA.  She got to meet her great grandpa Galloway, her great grandma Dodd, Aunt Jenn, Uncle Phil, Natalie, Reece, and many of Daddy's cousins from Uncle Tim's family.  It was wonderful to spend a few days with all of them and introduce them to Mackenzie while she is still so tiny.

Mackenzie's last two "firsts" of this second month were taking her first bottle at 8 weeks (which was sad for mommy, but I know that this is what she needs so she is ready for me to go back to work in a few weeks).  She did not like the bottle or get how to do it at first.  But she is practicing each day and now doing a little better with it.  Addison likes getting to help feed her!! Mackenzie also slept in her own crib at 8 weeks old. Addison is so excited to have her sister sleep in her room, and Kenzie hasn't changed her sleeping at all since moving which is great!

It was a busy second month for Mackenzie Grace! So many firsts! Looking forward to seeing what she learns this next month!