Thursday, November 25, 2010

Addison's Eighth Month

Addison got all dressed up for Halloween on Saturday night October 30th when all the kids in Hudsonville were set to go trick-or-treating, but no one came to our house. The next night she got dressed up again, this time as a polar bear and went to our church activity trunk-or-treat. She didn't get any candy but that was okay because we had plenty at home from the night before and no one showing up. Over 40 car were decorated and passing out candy to kids that came to this event. What a good time for fellowship and outreach to our community.

Firsts this past month: belly crawling (as of now can get her butt up and knees under her but finds rolling much more efficient), pulled herself up to a standing position, went from laying on her back to sitting up without help. Her first and second teeth popped out of her gums on November 5th, now that her teeth are through she is much happier. She received her first flu shot when she went to the doctors this month and has learned how to clap (Daddy taught her this one!) and wave bye bye and nod her head yes and no. She loves music and dances and sings and nods her head to the rhythm. She loves to talk and climb into people's laps. Addy also has tried many new foods including: meats (turkey and chicken), cherries, cheese, yogurt, plums, prunes, whole peas, mashed potatoes, teething biscuits, and she will eat pretty much anything we let her try (except for zucchini which she hates!).

We also celebrated Andrew's 31st birthday this month. He had already received his birthday gift from Addy and Kate, a trip to see the Eagles beat the Lions, back in September but we had a fun couple days of celebrating. We went out to dinner at Red Robins, Addy loved the balloons that the waitress gave her. Then on his actual birthday we made one of Andrew's favorite meals and peanut butter pie. Such a fun day celebrating!!

Addy made 2 trips this month. The first was to Detroit to visit Kate's family. Kate's cousin Jen was in town from Florida so the Schneider's had a big family party. Addy was able to meet all of Kate's aunts, uncles, and cousins from that side of her family. We had a great time catching up with everyone, eating dinner together, and playing games. Addy also traveled to Lake Ann to celebrate her first Thanksgiving at Grandma and Grandpa Dodd's house. It was wonderful to spend a few days at their house and have a big Thanksgiving dinner. Addy loved trying all of the different Thanksgiving foods that we gave her. Thanksgiving is a great time to remember the many many blessings God has given us this past year.

Addy will be 9 months old on December 25. What a joy it has been to watch her grow, explore, and do new things each and every day! Can't wait to see what this next month brings!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Addison's Seven Month

Addison is already 7 months old, can't believe how fast this first year of her life is going! The first few days of this month were already written about in the last blog update, our trip to Maryland with Andrew's family. She was such a great little traveler and had a good time meeting her cousins Natalie and Reece for the first time. When we got back from the trip Grandma Dodd came and stayed with us for a week. One of the evenings we went to the Post Family Farm nearby our home and looked at all the pumpkins and farm animals and got donuts and hot caramel cider. Addy was so amazed at all the bumpy orange pumpkins. We also went apple picking this month. It was Addy and Grandma's first time going. We picked so many yummy apples and made apple pie guts and apple sauce that will last us all year long. Addy has been eating all sorts of new foods this month. She loves apples and peaches and bananas, green beans, peas, squash, carrots, prunes. She also likes eating Cheerios. Addy began using a sippy cup and drinking water this month. She doesn't quite get the sucking part of the cup yet and usually has water all the way down the front of her shirt. She has also been teething all month long but no teeth yet.

Also Addy had her 6 month check up. She got a couple shots and also we found out that she had an ear infection! We had no idea! She was waking up a few times in the night, but we thought that it was due to the teething. Poor little girl! She got amoxicillin and is feeling much better.

Addy loves to sing with music and "dance" with mommy and daddy. She chews on everything that she touches. She also is a rolling machine and will roll across the room. No crawling yet though, but it shouldn't be long. Addy is talking a lot more this month. Her first word was mama, and followed shortly after by dada. She also is saying baba and many other sounds too. Addy loves wiggling her little feet and when she is happy about something she will have a giant grin on her face and her little feet will be wiggling like crazy. We call them her Happy Feet.

Grandpa and Grandma Schneider came for a visit one weekend this month and they babysat Addy so mommy and daddy could go on a date. WE love when any of our grandparents come to play!

The last weekend of this month, Dad had a work trip at Timber Wolf Lake Camp so Addy and Mommy came with him! We had so much fun relaxing at the camp, taking walks around the camp, playing in the leaves, sitting by the campfire, and just having some mommy and addy time. Addy thought the bunkbeds that we slept on were amazing. Every time mommy fed her she would look up at the bed above her and start laughing so hard. What a silly, fun memory! The camp was pretty close to Grandpa and Grandma Dodd's house so we spent the rest of the weekend playing at their house and celebrating Grandpa's 60th birthday. Addy is growing so big! Our little family is so blessed! We are so thankful for the little girl that God has given us!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Addison's Sixth Month

Since we are already halfway through the 7th month, we thought we would take a few spare minutes to write about Addison's sixth month. The last day in August, we went to the John Ball Zoo in Grand Rapids for Addy's first zoo trip. It was also our 7th consecutive August zoo trip. Addy's favorite was the bird cage that you walked into with lots of parakeets, the birds were chirping and flying. It was a hot day, but we had so much fun. That next weekend, Kate's parents came in for a visit. We went with them to the Fredrick Meijer Gardens. It was our first visit, and we had so much fun. We all enjoyed walking around the park, seeing the flowers, and looking at all the sculptures. Addy was just so happy to be outside. She had her visit tea party in the Children's Garden with Mommy and Daddy.

This month, Addison began having a new babysitter while Mommy and Daddy work. Our good friend from church, Erika and her almost 2 year old Rolland are fun practicing having two siblings since Erika is expecting her second in March. Addison has also greatly expanded her food options this past month. She loves applesauce, bananas, sweet potatoes, carrots, oatmeal, peas, and butternut squash. She also has become an awesome roller. She rolls front to back and back to front and across the room if she really wants something. She loves to sit up and is very strong and sturdy while sitting up.

Addy had her first cold this month, that she got from Mommy :(. Stuffy nose and a cough, she hates getting her nose sucked out by what Daddy calls the snot rocket. We first thought that Addy was getting teeth after the cold because she was drooling a lot and waking up at night when she used to sleep through the night and chewing on everything, so we stocked up on oragel to numb her gums. Now, two weeks after her 6th month birthday we found out that it was not teeth at all but that she was fighting an ear infection (but we will tell you all about that in the next month update). Addy moved up to a big bathtub as well this month. It is a giant duck! She loves playing in the water!

Grandpa Dodd came to visit us for a day this month. BBC had an event for Alumni at the 5/3 Ballpark, so we all went to the dinner. The next day we to Detroit to celebrate Grandma Schneider's 50th Birthday. Andrew, Kevin, Kyle, and Grandpa S went to the Eagle vs Lions game while Kate, Addy, Grandma S, and Great Grandma M spent the day playing and making Addy's first finger painting project. Addy loved finger painting! It was a great, quick visit and so fun to celebrate Grandma S and Kyle's birthday

The next weekend the Steve Dodd family had a family reunion in Cresaptown, MD where Dad had his last youth group, actually the church was celebrating it's 75th year and Grandpa Dodd was one of the speakers. It was the first time in almost three years that the whole family was together. Last time there were no grandchildren and one on the way this time there three grandchildren and one on the way. Yes, Steph and Rob dropped the surprise that Steph is expecting in May. The surprises kept coming when Phil, Jenn, Natalie and Reece arrived with Great Grandpa Galloway in the back seat! Addy got to meet here great grandpa. Another surprise was the 60th birthday party we threw for Grandpa a month early. What a good time to recount and remember God's blessings in Grand Dad's life and the many memories made through the years. It was also good to see and catch up with many old friends and faces from Calvary Baptist Church and School. It was especially nice to get to visit with Steve and Misty along with their two children Hannah and Riley. Daddy went to high school with Steve and Misty and had much to catch up on and old memories to share.

Actually, I had my half year birthday while we were on this trip so I'll stop writing for now. It was a very busy month especially my weekends. I'll check back in with all of you just as soon as I turn seven months old.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Friday, September 3, 2010

Addison's Fifth Month

Addison had an action packed month. Doctors visit, learning all sorts of new things, many visits from friends and family, and was dedicated at church. At the beginning of August she had here first solid food, rice cereal, and did not like it at all or know what to do with it once it was in her mouth. Since then she has gotten much better and enjoys her oatmeal and rice cereal. Aunt Steph and Uncle Rob came to visit from South Carolina, what a fun visit and chance for them to meet Addy for the very first time. Addy was so impressed that while they were here she sat up on her own for the very first time! She continues to get stronger each and every day, sitting up for longer and longer intervals with each passing day. Addy is much more vocal and we are able to get many giggles and smiles out of her. She is very ticklish when Daddy tickles her feet with his goatee. Addy is now rolling over front to back as well as back to front, reaching and playing with her toys. She has also begun a new habit of laying on her side while she plays. Grandma Dodd spent a week with us, and I'm not sure who had more fun Grandma or Addy. It was great to have her here to help out especially as we began the process of making baby food. On August 22 all of Kate's family came over as well as Grandpa and Grandma Dodd to be a part of Addy's dedication. This was a time to thank God for his many blessings in our lives and to acknowledge our need for His help, strength and guidance to raise Addy in a home that loves God and points others to Christ. We spent the afternoon at the park, playing games and eating lots of food. It was so good to be together. The next day Kate, Addy and most of her family went to Lake Michigan and had a great morning relaxing in the sun. Busy month and this next month is already looking like it will be just as busy and full of adventure and many more firsts.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

We've got a roller

This morning Addy was rolling from back to tummy then tummy to back playing with her toys. It was so amazing to watch. We had seen her do both before but never at the same time. Addy is learning and growing so much.
For longer and longer increments of time she is also sitting up by herself.
It is amazing to watch her grow!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Doctor Visit

Addy had her four month doctor visit this past week. She is doing great and is a very healthy little baby. She is 13 lbs 13 oz (more than doubled her weight in just four months!) and in the 50th%. She is 25" tall and in the 75% for height. Her head was in the 25th% for head circumference. So Addy is tall and skinny with a little head :) She got her second round of shots and was given the OK to start rice cereal. We tried the rice cereal tonight (8/6) and she HATED it! She cried and closed her mouth and shook her head. Might take a little getting used to but she'll catch on quickly,we hope!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Addy's Four Month Update

Addy's big blue eyes have loved discovering the world around her this month. She went as far west as Iowa and as east as Detroit. She headed over the Mississippi River to Iowa for Cousin Micah Dodd's wedding. She was able to meet her Great Grandma Dodd for the first time and many other aunts, uncles, and cousins. She traveled great and had fun spending the weekend with Grandma and Grandpa Dodd. One big first on the trip was her first time swimming. The hotel had a pool and we had a blast taking her in. She seemed so confused as to why we were all in the 'bath tub' with her and why her clothes and diaper were on. It was so fun! What a blessing and lots of memories made.

One big developmental change was Addy learning how to pick things up and put them in her mouth. Now everything goes in there! She also loves her hands and fingers, and they are almost always close to her mouth. She has practiced rolling over more and is getting so strong during tummy time. She also has learned to laugh and giggle. It is the best sound we have ever heard!!

Addy joined us on our anniversary date and had a great time at the beach of Lake Michigan. She also saw her first fireworks later that weekend and didn't blink for the whole show because she was so amazed. We had a fun visit to Detroit the next weekend and spent lots of time with family and friends. Addy shared lots of smiles with everyone that she met.

Addy has been doing great with our sitter, Ashley, as Kate is now back to work full time. She has transitioned really well and has so much fun with her. Also, Kate was offered a full time nursing job this month in the Emergency Department at Spectrum Health Butterworth hospital. We are so excited for this opportunity for Kate to provide compassionate nursing care to all she will come in contact with. She will be starting her 5-6 month orientation in August. Praising the Lord for providing this job opportunity!

Looking forward to Addy's four month doctor visit next week to see how she is growing. We are so blessed to have such a sweet, smilie, happy little baby!

Addison's Fourth Month

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Addison's Third Month Video

Our 4th anniversary

We celebrated 1461 married days yesterday! And each one has been amazing! It has been a BIG year for the Dodd Family. Kate graduated from nursing school, we went to Florida on vacation, we moved into a new home, Andrew got a new job at the Mission, and best of all Addison Joy was born! God has blessed us tremendously!

We started celebrating the day, 8 days early with a date. We left Addy in the capable hands of Grandpa and Grandma Dodd, and they sent us to the Hello Tonight concert. It was so fun to see Chris Tomlin and TobyMac in concert together!! What an amazing night of worship. Thank you for this fun anniversary gift!

To celebrate the actual day, Kate made Andrew a fun picture card that recapped the last four years. Andrew gave Kate one rose for each of the years :) so beautiful! Andrew had planned a surprise outing for our family. We went to Paint a Pot, a little store in Holland where you can paint pottery. We decorated a plate, we look forward to picking it up in a week and using it for special occasions. Kate is already scheming about return visits to the store.

Then we drove over to Tunnel Park for an afternoon at Lake Michigan. It was super busy, since it was Friday afternoon on 4th of July weekend, but we had fun. It was a beautiful, hot day without a cloud in the sky. We took Addy in the lake for the first time, and she did not seem to mind it, probably because she was so hot from the sun.

After beach fun, we went to a new to us restaurant called Boatwerks in Holland, right on the water. The food was great (BBQ chicken pizza chicken and stuffed garlic cheese pepperoni bread). It was a beautiful setting, and even more beautiful family. Great day of celebration! Praising the Lord for 4 amazing years!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Addison's Third Month (a week late)

Another month has flown by! Addy has grown a lot bigger and is keeping us busy with lots of diapers and feeding. The big firsts for Addy have been learning to laugh (the best sound in the world) and lots more 'talking'. She learned that she loves to suck on her hands (if she could get her hand down her throat she would). She also rolled over for the first time, from her tummy to her back. She has grown much stronger and holds her head up great now. She loves to look at books (hopefully she'll love to read like Mommy) and will even turn the pages. She also has developed her hand eye coordination alot in the last month, Daddy has high hope for a future sports all star. She has been loving the summer weather, and loves to be outside (she has gone to every one of Dad's softball games).

Addy went to the beach for the first time, it was a pretty windy day so she wasn't too thrilled about the outing. Hopefully she will like it more next time. She celebrated her first Father's Day and made him a frame for his desk at work with lots of fun Addy pictures. Also this month, Addy became a big cousin TWICE! Reece Elliot Dodd was born on June 1 to Phil and Jenn. Gideon Daniel Schneider was born on June 16 to Kevin and Angela. Looking forward to having Addy meet all of her cousins someday soon.

Mommy finally finished studying for her nursing test, and she passed her NCLEX!! Now Mommy is a nurse!!! PRAISE the LORD!! So proud of her! Mommy also went back to work at the hospital. It was a hard day for her, but Addy had fun at the babysitter's house and is doing well with this adjustment.

Addison is a sweet, happy little girl. She loves to smile and is such a joy to her mommy and daddy. We are loving every moment with our Addy Girl.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Addison's Second Month Pictures

A video we made of Addy's pictures from her second month of life :)

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Addison Joy: Two month update

It's hard to believe that Addy has been with us for 61 days (that's two months for everyone else). She has gotten so much stronger and taller in this past month. She has continued to sleep well, even sleeping through the night twice now. This past Saturday night she slept uninterrupted for almost ten hours. Her neck muscles are getting pretty powerful too. She's fairly close to being able to hold her head up on her own, I'm sure we will be able to bust out the Bumbo and exerciser saucer soon. Mommy weighed her this afternoon and came in at eleven pounds. The official weigh in will be at the doctor's on Thursday. Pray for Addy, Daddy and Mommy as she gets her first round of shots. She is super smiley now, especially in the morning. She smiles when we smile at her, she loves to imitate Mom and Dad. Addy has been so much more alert and becoming more and more aware of her surroundings. She is making all sorts of coos, gurgles and good sounds. She can hold up her head much longer when she has her tummy time and will be sure to be rolling over on to her back soon.

Addy went on her first trip this month, she went up north to surprise Grandpa and Grandma Dodd. Addy traveled so well, we had such a good time with them, the Goods and visiting camp. What a fun weekend visit.

On Mother's Day Addison and Kate participated in the Mother's Day Parade at church. Chapel Pointe always make a BIG deal, and well they should, about Mom's and new babies to the Chapel Pointe family.

Later that day Addy and Kate went and visited her family on the other side of the state. Since I had to go on a work trip with the men in the Life Skills Program. It was a great opportunity for them to get over and see more family, on Mother's Day. That week Addy was able to meet her Great Grandma M and many of Kate's friends. She also went to her first Tiger's baseball game, of course the Tiger's beat the dreaded Yankee's. It was so fun to spend a few days with our family.

Since coming home she has begun sleeping in her crib and had her first bottle.

It has been a super memorable month of firsts, smiles and blessings. What an amazing little girl sent from God she has been and continues to be :)

Kate's 24th Birthday

Yesterday was my 24th birthday, on the 24th of May :) the Golden Year! It was a very special day. Addy and I spent the day together playing and trying to stay cool in the 90 degree heat. Addy got me some beautiful purple daisies to plant in our garden. When Andrew got home from work, Addy went to her first baby-sitting adventure at the Sterken's home. She did great! Slept for a lot of the time, but sounds like she had a fun time playing with Rolland. Meanwhile, Andrew and I went on a date and saw the movie Robin Hood. It was pretty good. Then we went out to dinner at Red Robin's, it was great, really enjoyed my guacamole burger, getting sung to at dinner, and an ice cream sundae. Then we picked up Addy, because we missed our little girl, and headed to the park for a walk. We got some great pictures and swung on the swings.

After that we headed home and fed Addison and put her to bed. Then, Andrew made a fire in our firepit and we enjoyed spending time sitting around the campfire, looking at the stars. We came inside and had birthday ice cream cake, opened cards from family, and opened Andrew's gift for me.

He surprised me with a sewing machine!! I am so excited to be able to make things now!! It was a wonderful day celebrating God's many blessings of this past year. :)

Sunday, April 25, 2010

One Month Old!

In many ways it is hard to believe that Addison arrived a month ago today. We are thanking and praising the Lord for His many blessings in our life, specifically a healthy and growing baby girl. Obviously it has been a month of firsts this is just a small list: smiles, cries, hick-ups, Bible stories, sleepless nights (Daddy and Mommy but not too many), bath, doctor check up, tulips in Holland, walks (almost daily), many visits from family and friends. Today Addison went to church for the very first time and was introduced to our church family, she got a rosebud for all her work ;)She is getting stronger and growing bigger each and every day. She enjoys laying on her tummy, just like Daddy. Her neck muscles are getting strong, and really seems to enjoy being outside. We here in West Michigan have been blessed with many sunny days this month. Addison is sleeping really well at night as well, last night she went seven hours before needing to get Mommy up. She is a very content baby and rarely cries. It has been wonderful getting to know our little girl this first month.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Addison Joy’s Birth Story

Addison’s Birth Story

On March 24, 2010, we went to Babies R Us before heading off to the doctor’s office for our 39-week check-up. Since our OBGYN was out of town in Hawaii, we saw a new doctor that morning. The check-up went great, the baby’s heart rate was good, and the doctor said Kate was dilated to 4 and 70% effaced. He said, “I’d say see you next week, but I think you are going to have this baby before then.” We were thrilled with the news and excited that our baby was coming soon!
Kate had been having regular contractions the last two days about 10 minutes apart. That afternoon, after Andrew went to work, her contractions became much more regular and over the course of 3 hours were just five minutes apart. After calling the doctor’s office and a quick call to the mission, Andrew was headed home from work early. We drove to the hospital and arrived there at 5:30 in the afternoon. Many of Kate’s coworkers cheered her on as they wheeled her upstairs to OB triage. Before admitting Kate, OB triage wanted to see some progress to see if we were actually going into labor. So we walked the halls, waited for a check, walked the halls again, waited for another check, spent an hour in the spa, and got checked again. We discussed our options with the doctor, one of which was going home and waiting it out, we decided to have Kate’s water broke as contractions were now just 3-4 minutes apart and she was dilated to 6.
At 11 pm, we moved up to the Labor and Delivery floor and met our nurse for the night, Kris. A nurse midwife broke Kate’s water and contractions really picked up. Kate was so tense and could not relax the way she needed to. We opted for an epidural to help relax her body, stop the uncontrollable shaking and shivering, and decrease the pain. When they were preparing to put the epidural in Kate’s back, she threw up all the apple juice she just had and was quoted as saying “I’ll never drink apple juice again”. The medicine did exactly what it was supposed to and what we had hoped for. She advanced about a centimeter an hour after she finally relaxed. Unfortunately, one side effect of the medicine was that it dropped Kate’s already low blood pressure even lower. Andrew saw one blood pressure of 44/22 and she was pale as her sheets. The nurses rushed in and gave her oxygen and got her bp back up. Her color returned almost as fast as her blood pressure went back up.
At 6 am, Kate was fully dilated and completely effaced, ready to start pushing. Our nurse, Kris, had warned that first time moms normally push for 1-3 hours but insisted that we have the baby on her shift, which ended at 7 am. On her first push, Andrew could see the baby’s head full of dark hair and thought, “Oh my, I am going to be a daddy!” Kate was able to watch her progress with a mirror as she pushed. 20 minutes later, on the final push Dr. Tabor asked if Kate wanted to help deliver the baby and pull the baby up to her chest. At 6:22 am, Kate gave a final push and out came our baby. Dr. Tabor said, “It’s a girl! Do you have a name for her?” The proud daddy exclaimed, “Addison Joy!” Andrew cut her cord as she snuggled on Kate’s chest. Addison weighed 6 lbs 10.5 ounces and was 19.5 inches long. We are so blessed to have this gift from God!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Mid March AKDodd Post

Wow, it's been two and a half months since Kate and I got away for our graduation/Christmas getaway to FL. Life sure has not slowed down with school being done!

To kick off the new year we moved from our Brookmeadow Apartment to a tri-level duplex. We are most excited that we have a backyard to take our baby to be outside this summer.

I was asked to change responsibilities at work and look forward to new challenges and opportunities there. I will be teaching some Life Skills classes, doing some more one-on-one mentoring/counseling to name just a few of my new responsibilities at work. I'm excited to get started just as soon as someone is hired and trained to take over my Emergency Shelter responsibilities. I believe this new job will allow me focus and spend more time using my God given talents and passions.

Kate is still working hard at the hospital and we both can't wait until baby Dodd arrives!